
Harley Guy

“Austin has proven to be an exceptional ultra coach, particularly with his guidance through the demanding Cocodona 250. His expertise in nutrition has been pivotal, tailoring a diet plan that balances energy needs and recovery for such an extreme event. Beyond physical preparation, Austin's approach to mental training has been invaluable, equipping me with strategies to maintain focus and resilience throughout this grueling race. His support and personalized coaching have significantly enhanced my performance and endurance, making him an outstanding choice for anyone tackling ultra-marathon challenges.”

Olivia Hemenway

“I have run on the road from the time I was about 13 years old until two years ago, with multiple marathon training blocks and three half marathons under my belt. Then in 2022 I broke my femur and didn’t think I would ever be able to run again. Re-learning to walk, then to a limp while I walk, to a walk-limp-jog, to kind of jogging, to backpacking through New Zealand. I came home, looked at my partner and said ‘I want to run 30 miles’.

I then found my coach Austin through a family member and that was one of the hardest and best summers of my life. I successfully ran my first 50k ultramarathon in September of 2023 placing 6th in the women's category and 13th overall! Austin was eager to listen, to be a teacher, be patient but also show tough love in some really low moments. His skill to help me as an athlete transfer from running road to running trail after such a major injury was amazing. Like I said, I never thought I would ever be able to run like I used to and maybe ever again, but I actually have come back stronger running longer distances than I ever have before. Training in these ways takes a lot of trust from an athlete to a coach and last summer I trusted his expertise in my adaptations, stuck to the training and it all paid off!”

Schedule a free 15 minute consult to see if I would be the right coach for you. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals and beyond.